Orions Belte - 600m per minute

It’s not quite rock, not quite pop, not quite funk, not quite jazz, but very much Orions Belte
— Spectrum Culture

Orions Belte kicks off the release of their sophomore album, «Villa Amorini», with the release of the EP «600m per minute»

A child travels to the big city for the first time – a metropolis. He wanders into an elevator that ascends so fast that it feels like he is flying. It takes less than one minute to fly to the top of the city, even though it feels like he’s floating in air for an eternity. Back home he starts to build a model aircraft and dreams about flying away from the insignificant place he is from. Up above the clouds and further out, the plane goes higher and higher until he sees the different layers of the atmosphere. Orange, white, blue. He has never seen anything like it.

The songs on 600m per minute are about travel: Away from your home, the dream of seeing the planet from afar and to meet someone on the other side of the globe that becomes a friend for life.

The title track starts with a dreamy, repetitive synth, before we enter a vacuum with the midsection. The main theme then returns once again and delivers us into space. “Orbit” slides directly into a hectic riff, that ends up being the backdrop for a floating choral melody. “Acere” is a tune that symbolizes friendship, with a nostalgic melody over a heavy beat. It sounds like it could have been recorded 60 years ago and mixed in the future. Orions Belte sounds like that quite often.

Orions Belte - 600m per minute
Art. no: JANSENS203
Released: May 15th, 2020

1. 600m per minute
2. Orbit
3. Acere


Buy «Villa Amorini» by Orions Belte

Orions Belte’s sophomore album «Villa Amorini» is out April 9th. Pre order now from our site at Bandcamp and receive two bonus tracks and a special Jansen mug!


Orions Belte - The Scenic Route (Live)


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