Orions Belte/Chris Holm - Holy Water


2020 and 2021 will probably go down in history as two of the most challenging years for musicians in modern times. But despite it all, Orions Belte have managed to stay extremely busy.

Ever since the release of the single “Bean” in April of 2020, the releases have been coming in a seemingly constant stream. Singles, EP’s, collaborations… Their sophomore album Villa Amorini was released in April of 2021, to rave reviews and widespread playlisting. A few weeks later, they followed the album with a Lagniappe Session EP in collaboration with the credible LA blog Aquarium Drunkard. And in June, they released their first live album Scenic Route, featuring recordings from their spectacular tour of outdoors streamed shows during the summer of 2020.

And they’re far from finished! The concept of “taking a break” is not in these guys’ vocabulary.

In September 2021, Chris Holm, Orions Belte’s inimitable bass player, will release the first single from his upcoming album Orions Belte – Chris Holm. This will be the first album in a series of solo albums by the members of Orions Belte. Next up is guitarist Øyvind Blomstrøm’s record, and finally drummer Kim Åge Furuhaug will release his . Just like KISS did in 1978, every member will make their own album under the Orions Belte moniker. 

First out is Chris Holm, the unfazed bass genius of Orions. This is quirky indie/bedroom pop records, with catchy hooks and contagious melodies. We're also being treated with guest spots by Sondre Lerche and Saave (Sigrid Aase of indie pop heroes Hajk).

Orions Belte/Chris Holm - Holy Water
Art.no: JANSENS243
Release date: September 9th, 2021

All Music Composed, arranged and performed by Chris Holm

Additional arrangement on “Holy Water” by Matias Tellez

Buy the «Villa Amorini» LP

«Full of melodic instinct throughout, Villa Amorini provides a cool and trippy 40-minute ride along basslines that chills out without ever getting sleepy»
– Allmusic.com


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